Category: Soundproofing
Soundproofing tips for home and work.
Unlock the Secret to Acoustically Treating Your Room – Learn How Now!
Have you ever been in a room that was filled with echoes and reverberation? Your bedroom or living room has a lot of unwanted noise? Or you’ve been in a recording studio and wondered why it sounded so good? The answer to all these questions lies in acoustics. Acoustics is the science of sound and…
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Easy ways to improve noise cancellation of existing windows
Are you enduring noise nuisance from the noise outside your bedroom windows ? Either is be traffic noise, noise from railways, industries, entertainment places ? In a typical façade of a house, ventilation and windows are the least soundproof. Ventilation we will get into in another post, we’ll focus on the windows first. Windows that…
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Soundproofing with affordable thin materials? The MLV wonders?
Almost everybody in his or her life has been searching for the best soundproofing materials at reasonable prices. This is not an easy task, as there are not many experienced buyers in the market, there is a lot of inferior supply making use of the lack of acoustic knowledge with some buyers. As explained soundproofing…
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Good sound absorption and deflection with plants!
Open offices are not as favorable anymore as they were, not only due to the acoustic effects and privacy but certainly now with the Covid pandemic. If you want privacy you’ll need to use a meeting room but it’s not the most favorable room to work in. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to make sure…
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